Performing Arts program at Greythorn Primary School
Greythorn Primary School has a rich history of providing an outstanding Performing Arts program to all students from Foundation to Year 6. We use a delicate balance of innovative teaching and learning practices combined with traditional knowledge to facilitate the students in their lifelong enjoyment of music, dance and drama.
Our philosophy is based in making Performing Arts accessible to all students, providing an holistic and engaging program where the students are able to give their own learning direction through student agency as well as finding their interests, strengths and curiosities through our programs here.
We use multi-modal learning to engage the students in their learning; using their whole bodies to learn and retain the information; this includes singing, dancing and movement. We also make use of aural, kinaesthetic and visual modes of learning throughout the program.
The students attend a 1-hour session with our Performing Arts Specialist teachers each week from Foundation through to Year 6, offering opportunities for creative self-expression while building skills in musical literacy and confidence in composition and performance in a range of musical styles. All students learn to play recorder and marimba as well as ukulele, Japanese Taiko drums and a variety of other tuned and untuned percussion instruments. This is in addition to our very first instrument, our voice. Creative dance and folk dance are integral to the program, and drama skills are developed through a variety of theatre games.
The school holds a bi-annual, whole school performance or integrated concert which is a highlight of the Performing Arts program. Recent performances include ‘The Lion King Jr’ and ‘What a Wonderful World’.
The school has extra-curricular opportunities that are available to students, including a Senior and Junior Choir, Taiko Japanese drumming groups, Aero-schools dancing, recorder and percussion ensembles are a selection of opportunities offered at Greythorn Primary School. We have annual auditions for National and Australian Choirs for boys and girls held at the school too.
We also have our own Youth Orchestra; The GYPSIES (Greythorn Primary School Instrumental Ensemble) that rehearse on a weekly basis and regularly perform at local events and competitions.
We have regular Performance school visits and we use outstanding education groups including NEXUS Arts, Musica Viva and Kaboom Percussion to excite the engage the students in Performing Arts.
Our Performing Arts student leaders are empowered to present at weekly assemblies about the Performing Arts Program, and they are encouraged to pursue their own leadership opportunities; including leading singing, dancing or instrument groups in the school in a regular basis.
‘Taiko Drums and Flutes of Japan’ Performance at Greythorn PS and Taiko Workshop